Last night we went to our final Pittsburgh Pirates game of the year. I'm not really sure how it happened we became Pirates fans -- being from Canada (Ah Ha - now you know why I am a "MUM"!) my husband and I have always been rabid Toronto Blue Jays fans; who have and always will be in the American League. The National League is still a new game to us - why in the world would you even bother to bring the pitcher in to bat - you might as well just count an automatic out! I think our new found allegiance to the Pirates must be the Canadian - Jason Bay - the best export from Canada since Larry Walker!
Cameron chose not to join us for this family field trip - it would have meant missing football practice; which would have jeopardized his return to the team after his injury. Besides the team trainer(?...this is middle school!) configured an elaborate padding system around his cast in order for him to play! Anything for the team...
Jackson's "ultimate to the end of the earth best-friend" Donnie joined us instead.
We got to our premium left-field seats as the Diamondbacks were starting BP (I had to be told by an eight year old that this meant batting practice...)
This is where I need to digress (again!) to explain...Jackson is OCD about his team's and their jerseys. He has a Jason Bay Pirates shirt and wears this to all their games. BUT - his favorite team is the Diamondbacks - I have no idea why.
While the boys were standing along the outfield fence, one of the Diamondback players comes over to talk to them and gives them each a high five. In unison, the three of them turn toward John and I with their mouths dropped open - "that was Eric Byrnes-the STAR player"! So I'm thinking...they don't have any clue whether that was Eric Byrnes. After the game begins, my theory is confirmed when the "real" Eric Byrnes comes up to bat - he is very blond and very NOT the guy who high fived them.
As John and I go back and forth about the identity of the high five guy he finally said to me - look, to them it was Eric Byrnes...don't tell them anything different!
That's why he is SportsDAD...
But I was right...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Who's The Sports Expert Anyway?!
Posted by
3:57 PM
Labels: The Majors
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Things Ain't How They Used To Be
I took Cameron to the orthopedic hand specialist today. I had gotten into a comfort zone of believing his injury really wasn't a big deal and we would leave with the doctor wondering if we had just wasted his time.
This is always the way I think when I visit a doctor. Perhaps it's because I used to fake being sick so often when I was a kid; I expect the doctor's to see through the ploy. It always shocks me when they actually confirm something is wrong -- like when I was waiting to deliver Cameron and they suspected he was breech. The xrays clearly showed his bum down position and yet I couldn't believe they would need to deliver him by C-section. Excuse me Doctor...I'm just faking there's a problem to get attention-he's not really breech! Wait a minute - maybe I was just faking being pregnant too...
I've noticed this same tendency in my oldest son. Actually he's very rarely sick with anything, but the times he has come to me with various bumps and ailments have generally been more imagined or embellished when investigated further.
You can't fake swelling though. And the doctor was very thorough in his exam -- with additional follow up xrays.
Here's the 5'8" son is still growing; therefore his growth plates have still not closed; therefore they can't see if there is a fracture in his wrist with x-rays; therefore they need to put a cast on it for three weeks in order to protect the wrist from any further damage. But wait - there's more! Even though he has a cast - he is okay to play football!
Here's the "when I was young" speech...if you had a cast when I was young you basically did nothing for months.
The only criteria now is that you put pads around the cast so you don't hurt the other players with your club...I mean, cast!
Posted by
6:07 PM
Labels: Injuries
Monday, September 24, 2007
I Just Want To Play
Cameron discovered it's not so glamourous to be injured, especially when your team has the highest scoring game in school history!
The night before the 61-8 record breaking game, he was displaying his injured wrist like a badge of honor; one of the walking wounded who gave his all for the team. On game day, when he had to stand on the sidelines and watch his teammates make history, he stopped bragging about his injury. All of a sudden it didn't really hurt anymore, the swelling was going down (in his mind), and he could move it more! In fact, he expects to be starting in the next game this Thursday!
But the swelling hasn't really gone down and after a consult with the ER doctor, the specialist wants to see Cameron at 8am tomorrow morning...not a good sign!
While Cameron is suffering his set-back, his brother's are stepping up to retain the family honor. Caeden came first. John gave me a play by play - "I saw this kid in the other team's end zone jump high into the air, make a huge interception and run it up the field for yards. It wasn't til it was over that I realized it was Caeden..." Quite the turn-around from our deer in the headlights from last week.
Jackson was next...he became a defensive BEAST! Flag after flag was torn off the opposing team. They dropped like flies. He was everywhere; quick out of the box--showing no mercy -- tackling several players to the ground! Problem is - IT'S FLAG FOOTBALL!! We'll need to work on his competitive spirit...
A side note - I quit my job on Friday. One day, when this isn't so fresh, I will explain my sudden departure from a job I loved. But, on the other hand, I have all the time in the world to spin my blog yarns to my loyal following!
Problem is, while I love writing, I also love to work. Hey coach - put me in...I just want to play...
Posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: Injuries
Friday, September 21, 2007
We Are Now True Sports Parents
We joined a very elite group today - a group of sports parents who wear their badge of honor proudly - a group that knows no expense, as long as their athletic child is treated fairly.
Cameron, our 13 year old All-Star pitcher, tore or partially tore the tendon IN HIS PITCHING ARM during football practice!
We lived the drama today, in all its glory. Swelling...xrays...two hours in the emergency room...splints...pain killers...orthopedic specialists...
The best part for Cameron - it was Friday night - football night in America - he was able to come back to the stadium with his war wound, surrounded by his fellow soldiers (8th grade boys...)and the sympathy of the junior high girls...
It was the pinnacle moment in a young athletes career...he was the center of attention!
As for is parents - my first reaction..."oh my God...that's your pitching arm!" How warped is that?!? Thank God his Dad is so incredibly low key!
I was a little offended that he wanted his Dad to go with him to the emergency room and not me...Why wouldn't he want his "drama queen, fix my boy, that's his pitching arm" mother with him?!
So the prognosis? He wears a splint for at least a week and will see a specialist who will determine it's only a pull and he will be able to play in his next game as long as it's wrapped. My lesson will be...injuries happen...they heal...he's not and probably never will be in the majors...just let him play...
Posted by
10:02 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Why Can't I Just Say NO!
As if having three boys in sports isn't busy enough, I am one of those people who has a variety of interests. Unfortunately - too many people know this and I end up being asked (or do I volunteer?!?!)to help with a number of different projects.
For instance - on top of having three boys in football this fall season, I am also the Campaign Manager for a local politician seeking election in November, the music leader for the kids program at our church on Wednesday's, a member of our church praise team, a Rotary club member, a delegate to our PTA Council government, a monthly book club devotee, and a Junior Achievement Board Member.
Several of these interests collided today from 3 to 8pm...
I left work early in order to drop off my guest list for the candle party I have scheduled at my home in October. I hurried home to take the cover off our pool, add shock and brush down the algae that had formed in the last week in preparation for the last weekend of swimming. Jackson got off the bus, I gave him a snack for five minutes and rushed him to his football pratice. Picked up Caeden at after-school and drove to our local Holiday Inn for my politician's weekly status meeting. Then straight to church to wolf down a Mexican themed dinner (actually really good!) and prep for 25 kids and my music ministry! I always find this part to be the funniest - I look forward to it the least but enjoy it the most! Perhaps it's because my mind is so fried by this point that I'm experiencing hallucinations...
Now I will back-track to yesterday to sum up my life. I had to go to the dentist. It seems that I clench my teeth so bad in my sleep I have actually exposed the roots on the right side of my mouth, my jaw is out of alignment and the muscles in my neck are so tight you could bounce a rock off them.
Children in Sports = Clenching Teeth
Church Activities = Exposed Roots
Political Activities = Jaw Re-alignment
PTA and School Stuff = Knotted Neck Muscles
Living Life to the Fullest = Priceless
Posted by
9:08 PM
Labels: The Non-Sporting Life
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Day Without Sports Is Like A Day Without...
I had no sports today...I say "I" because Cameron had football practice but it was right after school and John picked him up. So that means I was nowhere near a sports field! However, as I write this, Jackson is sitting on the sofa watching Sponge Bob with an Oakland Raiders football helmet on his head...Sports is always a presence in our lives...
Jackson had his birthday swim party/Madden tournament/camp-out on Saturday night. Of course - the temperature hovered in the mid-40's throughout the night so the swim party became flashlight tag and the camp-out became a basement-out. That's not to say these brave 10 and 11 year olds didn't try the tent, but after John's Stephen King inspired ghost stories, they came in 15 minutes later saying it was too cold. It was so cold that one boy had to g
o home at 2am!! He said it had nothing to do with the stories in the tent...
Jackson's actual birthday was yesterday - he said it was the best day ever because he could watch NFL all day.
And that's just what my four men did - as Mum cut the grass. Does anyone else see a problem with this?!
Posted by
6:02 PM
Labels: The Non-Sporting Life
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday is Football Day
Saturday. Officially this is THE day of sports for sports families. No matter the season there are always games on Saturday. I don't think we've had a free Saturday since 1999!
Something is different this fall season however -- we have a son who has graduated out of league sports and onto school sports teams. That means Cameron had nothing to do but come and watch his brothers in their flag football games. You can imagine this was not his hearts desire until he realized that his new girlfriend would also be there watching her brother! Problem solved...
So we only had two games to attend --both at the same time on fields right next to each other. This is like hitting the mega jackpot for a sports parent!
This is Jackson's third year playing flag so he was immediately able to get into the game and generally look like he knew what he was doing.
Caeden, on the other hand, was a deer in the headlights. He didn't come into the game till somewhere near the end of the first quarter - I think he was playing some outside position (I said I was a Sports Mum - that doesn't mean I actually know the positions!) The play begins and he does not move but watches as everyone runs around him. You could see he had no idea what he was supposed to do. John went and spoke to him when he came off. Next time he actually ran but it was more like when kids start playing soccer - the pack mentality - go where the ball is, forget about your position.
Finally he realized he needed to pull the flag off the kid in the blue shirt, he couldn't seem to master the actual feat as it continually slipped through his fingers. In fact, he seemed much more concerned with this new mouthguard, continually pulling it in and out of his mouth. At one point, instead of reaching for the flag of the kid he was chasing, he pulled the mouthguard out of his mouth instead. The kid scored a touchdown...
Nine years ago, as new sports parents, we would have hollered something like "Caeden what do you think you're doing?!" This day we just laughed our heads off because we know now that eight year olds don't think-they just have fun...
Posted by
4:32 PM
Labels: Football
Friday, September 14, 2007
OCD and Football
I promise that my posts won't only be about Jackson - I am the mother of three boys after all (four if you count my husband!); but he certainly has given me the most colourful subject matter the last few days.
I mentioned yesterday that he has Aspergers Syndrome. For those of you who have never heard of this, it is the highest functioning diagnosis on the autism spectrum. He walks, talks, goes the bathroom by himself, ties his shoes, gets excellent grades in school, has many friends - pretty typical kid for the most part. However, another component to Asperger's is significant OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It manifests itself in various forms - throughout the summer he made lists of things - mostly about sports teams, sports mascots, sports stadiums, sports colours. Did I mention he's obsessed with sports?!
One of the blessings for our family is that he also has a certain degree of athletic ability. We had been told that only 15% of people diagnosed with autism or aspergers had any aptitude for sports. Fortunately for Jackson he is on the higher end of that 15%.
So he had flag football practice last night. Now one thing to note here is that whenever he is actually playing a sport, he HAS to wear a shirt related to that sport AND related to whatever team he is currently obsessing about. Currently he is obsessing about the Chicago Bears
(almost Super Bowl Champs and home of Brian Urlacher, the best linebacker in history).
So he wears a Bears championship t-shirt to his practice last night. I should have known it was a mistake when he comes into the kitchen and he's picking at the front - seeing some imaginary spec that he needs to remove. I drop him at practice then leave to pick up his younger brother. When I return he is standing in the middle of the field, picking at the same spot as his team assembles for the next play. I am thinking of hollering over to him to pay attention but decide to just wait and see what happens next. Here's the amazing part - his coach calls the play, makes the throw and Jackson comes to life; sprinting to pull the flag from the receiver. Next play, picking at his shirt again, coach calls the play, throws to Jackson and he runs the field for a touchdown!
When we get home he takes the shirt off and brings it to me. He asks if I can fix it (I think it's the imaginary spot he's talking about) and find that he has actually put a hole in the shirt from picking the spot.
Who cares?! He scored a touchdown...
Posted by
12:56 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Season Has Begun!
Yesterday we had three football practices, at the same time, in three different locations. That is typical of this sporting life we have created in our family. "We" being The Rogers Family - Dad John, Mum Cynthia, and three sons, Cameron, Jackson and Caeden.
I guess I should have expected sports would become our life - I fell in love with my husband the day I met him; after he had quarterbacked his Sunday football team to victory!
I love oozes from every corner of our house. From the cleats, pads and helmets lying all over the floor of our mud-room;
to the bats, gloves and catching gear on the floor of the garage (notice the pattern of things on the floor?!)
Oh yeah - and my 50 year old husband's ice hockey goalie pads hanging from the bicycles in the shed!
I hope this blog will chronicle our sporting adventures, successes and many, many failures. If only to simply help me to find a release from the madness - I can vent and decompress through these writings!
Of course - it's also a way to talk about my children - the good, bad and the so very, very ugly! Like this morning (and this has absolutely nothing to do with sports...) Jackson has come down with a nasty cold. Jackson also has Asperger's Syndrome (more on that in future posts...) He was sniffling and coughing and generally an open faucet of yuck! He sneezed and I knew from the sound that it was ugly -- sure enough, there was oobleck all over his shorts and he didn't really care that he had five minutes to get out to the bus! As I gagged and choked over the sink, I spit out to him that he is just gross - WRONG! His cold is gross! Not my son!! I think he got it though - he actually let me comb his hair right after, without screaming for me to stop!
So tonight we only have two practices - one involving the oobleck oozing Jackson! Think he'll want to stay home for one night?!
Posted by
12:34 PM
Labels: Aspergers, The Sporting Life