
Friday, September 21, 2007

We Are Now True Sports Parents

We joined a very elite group today - a group of sports parents who wear their badge of honor proudly - a group that knows no expense, as long as their athletic child is treated fairly.
Cameron, our 13 year old All-Star pitcher, tore or partially tore the tendon IN HIS PITCHING ARM during football practice!

We lived the drama today, in all its glory. Swelling...xrays...two hours in the emergency room...splints...pain killers...orthopedic specialists...
The best part for Cameron - it was Friday night - football night in America - he was able to come back to the stadium with his war wound, surrounded by his fellow soldiers (8th grade boys...)and the sympathy of the junior high girls...
It was the pinnacle moment in a young athletes career...he was the center of attention!
As for is parents - my first reaction..."oh my God...that's your pitching arm!" How warped is that?!? Thank God his Dad is so incredibly low key!
I was a little offended that he wanted his Dad to go with him to the emergency room and not me...Why wouldn't he want his "drama queen, fix my boy, that's his pitching arm" mother with him?!
So the prognosis? He wears a splint for at least a week and will see a specialist who will determine it's only a pull and he will be able to play in his next game as long as it's wrapped. My lesson will be...injuries happen...they heal...he's not and probably never will be in the majors...just let him play...

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