
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday is Football Day

Saturday. Officially this is THE day of sports for sports families. No matter the season there are always games on Saturday. I don't think we've had a free Saturday since 1999!
Something is different this fall season however -- we have a son who has graduated out of league sports and onto school sports teams. That means Cameron had nothing to do but come and watch his brothers in their flag football games. You can imagine this was not his hearts desire until he realized that his new girlfriend would also be there watching her brother! Problem solved...
So we only had two games to attend --both at the same time on fields right next to each other. This is like hitting the mega jackpot for a sports parent!
This is Jackson's third year playing flag so he was immediately able to get into the game and generally look like he knew what he was doing.
Caeden, on the other hand, was a deer in the headlights. He didn't come into the game till somewhere near the end of the first quarter - I think he was playing some outside position (I said I was a Sports Mum - that doesn't mean I actually know the positions!) The play begins and he does not move but watches as everyone runs around him. You could see he had no idea what he was supposed to do. John went and spoke to him when he came off. Next time he actually ran but it was more like when kids start playing soccer - the pack mentality - go where the ball is, forget about your position.
Finally he realized he needed to pull the flag off the kid in the blue shirt, he couldn't seem to master the actual feat as it continually slipped through his fingers. In fact, he seemed much more concerned with this new mouthguard, continually pulling it in and out of his mouth. At one point, instead of reaching for the flag of the kid he was chasing, he pulled the mouthguard out of his mouth instead. The kid scored a touchdown...
Nine years ago, as new sports parents, we would have hollered something like "Caeden what do you think you're doing?!" This day we just laughed our heads off because we know now that eight year olds don't think-they just have fun...

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