
Monday, September 24, 2007

I Just Want To Play

Cameron discovered it's not so glamourous to be injured, especially when your team has the highest scoring game in school history!
The night before the 61-8 record breaking game, he was displaying his injured wrist like a badge of honor; one of the walking wounded who gave his all for the team. On game day, when he had to stand on the sidelines and watch his teammates make history, he stopped bragging about his injury. All of a sudden it didn't really hurt anymore, the swelling was going down (in his mind), and he could move it more! In fact, he expects to be starting in the next game this Thursday!
But the swelling hasn't really gone down and after a consult with the ER doctor, the specialist wants to see Cameron at 8am tomorrow morning...not a good sign!
While Cameron is suffering his set-back, his brother's are stepping up to retain the family honor. Caeden came first. John gave me a play by play - "I saw this kid in the other team's end zone jump high into the air, make a huge interception and run it up the field for yards. It wasn't til it was over that I realized it was Caeden..." Quite the turn-around from our deer in the headlights from last week.
Jackson was next...he became a defensive BEAST! Flag after flag was torn off the opposing team. They dropped like flies. He was everywhere; quick out of the box--showing no mercy -- tackling several players to the ground! Problem is - IT'S FLAG FOOTBALL!! We'll need to work on his competitive spirit...
A side note - I quit my job on Friday. One day, when this isn't so fresh, I will explain my sudden departure from a job I loved. But, on the other hand, I have all the time in the world to spin my blog yarns to my loyal following!
Problem is, while I love writing, I also love to work. Hey coach - put me in...I just want to play...

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