
Friday, May 30, 2008

Awards Season

I very seldom received academic or sports awards when I was in school. I was always in the upper end of the pack but never the stand-out when it came to achievements. The only thing that kept me from completely fading into the woodwork was my singing ability. I was always the go-to girl for special songs and talent shows. But oh, how I coveted recognition for being smart!

Well - my oldest son is smart, very smart. But he really doesn't want anyone to know
and, up until this year, never really worked too hard to be! So it was with GREAT pleasure that I watched him receive one of the highest overall academic awards at his middle school - The President's Award (signed by Bush himself!)

It is given to student's who maintain a 3.5 or higher GPA AND 85% or above in state achievement testing - for four consecutive years...
Cameron's the one in the striped shirt - oh darn - they all have striped shirts!!!

There are over 200 kids in the graduating 8th grade class - only 27 received this honor - so I guess this ranks him in the top 10%.

But getting back to Cameron really not coveting attention (unlike his mother)...the awards ceremony ended with a 24 minute slide show tribute to the graduating class.

Cameron wasn't in a single picture...


KC said...

Big Congrats to him.. what an honor.

Anonymous said...

I was furious after having been told by another parent about your blog. I happened to be at the awards assembly and even video taped most of it. So after reading your whining blog - yes it was pathetic - I felt I needed to put a response on here.

I immediately went to my video and re-watched the slide show. I counted for sure two times that your son appears on a slide. Guess that is not good enough for YOUR son. My child also appears in the slide show two times but I was grateful and my child really enjoyed the show. I guess that is the difference between how you look at things - neg. vs. pos.

I am a little worried that you did not recognize your son in the two slides he was in. Please make sure you know what you are talking about before you speak badly about someone's hard work. I have another child coming up through Center Middle School and would hate to have the teacher's not do a slide show because of comments like yours. Yes, unfortunately people read what you write.

SportsMum said...

To Anonymous...

Obviously you misread my post...I wasn't putting down the people who put together the slide show - I was reacting to my son not wanting to have his picture taken! I thought the slides were great, emotional, retrospective etc.
Cameron AVOIDS the camera - hates attention and therefore, it was no surprise I didn't see him in the pics. This post was meant to be about the boy who likes to hide in the background.
Sorry you misread my intentions...Oh yeah...and I'm SHOCKED that someone from our town is actually reading this blog!
Again - I apologize for any hurt feelings...the video was great...