
Thursday, February 28, 2008

High School Confidential

High was only a couple of years ago that I graduated - right?! Confidentially..(get it???) was over 25 years ago!

But tonight it all came thundering back into my consciousness as John and I attended PARENT ORIENTATION FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN!

So how did this happen? When did I stop being the kid who was cool in high school...and become the parent of the potential cool kid in high school?

Am I like that girl in the song that's "preoccupied with 1985"? (See - I'm still happening - I know songs by bands like Bowling For Soup!)

So there we were...meeting with guidance councilors and department heads...talking about Advanced Biology and Honors World History...Making sure that we can over-rule the middle school guidance councilor and place him in the Enriched English class based on his 97% English grade and the fact he was supposed to be in the enriched class this year but the lame brain middle school councilor wouldn't change his schedule even though he had three study halls to start the year but it's okay because, she said, "he's in enriched math", but I wasn't talking about Math we're talking about English and he reads at a post-college level and HE wants to be challenged and he was identified as gifted only in English and yet he's in all the advanced programs EXCEPT English in high school and I guess I'm the only one who will really work on behalf of my child...!!!

Yes - I am the parent of an almost freshman...


KC said...

I say fight till you get your way..
Freshmen WOW... and here i was starting to freak just a little thinking I'll have one in Jr High next year.. doesn't seem like i"m old enough for that yet. Where did the time go????

Joe Bruzzese said...

Hey Sportsmum,
Sorry to learn of your high school woes. I would however encourage you to set up a meeting with the high school counselor in the coming weeks and bring your soon-to-be high schooler with you. Here's the benefit to both you and your child: The counselor begins to know you as a family who has a vested interest in education and the pursuit of goals. Building relationships with the key personnel at your child's high school is one of the most important strategies I share with parents in my work at Thinking Forward. Continue to nurture this relationship while allowing your child to take the lead in driving all conversations that involve goals and achievements. Watch in amazement how the counselor rises to the occasion and begins to work for you and your child. I wouldn't be at all surprised if your son finds himself in the English class that will appropriately challenge him. The counselor will wonder how she would have ever considered placing him anywhere but in the advanced class. You will have built a relationship. With a relationship in place people will work for each other. My best to you in the journey ahead.

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that we have to fight to get our kids into the right classes. You would think the educators would be willing to do their best to see that the kids succeed! Hope all goes well! The next four years will fly! I have one daughter that graduated 2 years ago. I still can't believe it. Enjoy your day!