
Monday, November 12, 2007

To Sleep, To Dream

As I write this it is 8:50 on a Monday morning - I've been up since seven; got the kids dressed, prepared breakfast, made lunches, and sent them out the door to catch the bus. It is 8:50 in the morning - my husband is still asleep...

Now I do have to say that since he has been out of work, he has been pretty fair about getting up on alternate mornings, or on mornings when I have a meeting, to get them off to school. Not that it helps me, as I usually get up too - once I'm awake, I'm awake - and they are incredibly noisy in the morning! But, even after he gets them off to school, he lies back down on the couch and sleeps for another hour or so...

Why is he so sleep deprived? Because he stays up and watches Sports Center until 1:00 in the morning!!!!

Frankly, I don't get soon as the boys come downstairs in the morning they turn on ESPN and in the evening they catch up on the day with ESPN. Then, of course, whenever there is a game - weekend football, weeknight hockey - it is on our television.

He has seen virtually every game available to watch or caught up on the pre and post game shows, and yet, he still needs to watch Sports Center at midnight!!!

The only answer, the only way he will stop this madness?! HE NEEDS TO GET A JOB!!! Pray for me people...

By the way - it's now 9:10 and my husband is still asleep!

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