
Monday, October 27, 2008

The One Game Season

How do you split yourself three ways when you have three children? You don't.

That is why I didn't see any of Jackson's flag football games this season, save for his last regular season game on Saturday. I was mostly at Cam's games and John would be with Jackson as his coach. And we would both miss some of Caeden's Saturday games but we could justify those as he was the only one who also played on Sunday's.

If you notice I'm using the past tense; that's because all the sports are finished (except for the Flag Football Pumpkin Bowl this weekend)

John had been sharing Jackson's exploits with me all season - how he was the best rusher in the league, how he could move up the field like no one else ; deaking left and right, how he carried the ball from his end zone all the way to the other end for a touchdown! I missed it all.

So on Saturday I took pictures - lots and lots of picture. My favorite are the following where he relentlessly pursued the quarterback.

For your viewing pleasure...Jackson (in yellow) and the one game season!

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