
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The "Palin's Choice" Aftermath

Wow - I certainly started a political controversy when I posted my blog about Sarah Palin.

I thought I was simply commenting as a Mother. From how the sides have lined up, it appears it's become a Republican Democrat battle.

Yes I have fawned over Barack Obama, but that is more about the man than about the party. If I was to vote in the upcoming Canadian election, I would throw my support behind Stephen Harper, the Conservative (nee Republican) Prime Minister.

But now my parents are mad at me; I have argued with one of my best friends and, quite frankly, been disturbed at how far right he really leans; I have had football Mom's (all lifelong Democrats) in awe that I would have the guts to speak out; and I have received an email from a Senior Producer at Fox News who would like to speak to me further about my "take" on the White House!

All this for simply saying I feel sorry for Sarah Palin's children...if only everyone else did too!


KC said...

WOW your parents are made at you??? OH me, I'm sorry.
Personally I don't like Obama much at all. but I do feel bad for Palins kids. My very 1st thought on the matter was goodness, why would any mother in her right mind let alone one with such a young baby want to spend all her time trying to win the VP spot.. I know as a mother of 4 there is no way I would want to spend that much time away from my children. Then the whole issue with her 17 year old DD came up and I felt awful for her DD I would never want to put either of my DD's though anything like that. But then I'm also a mother who give up the nicer newer cars, the bigger home and alot of other stuff to come home from work so that I could be the one raising my children when they were young.. and I know not everyone thinks like I do and who am I to judge another mother. That all being said, I do like Palin politics from what I'm getting to know of her(when she 1st came around I had never heard of her before in my life)

Anonymous said...

Stick to your guns girl. I agree and wonder what kind of mother would put her child thru that embarrassment and media frenzy