
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Draft Day

No I'm not talking about the NFL draft (although that's as big a day in our house as the SuperBowl)...

Today, Jackson and Caeden will be drafted onto their respective teams for the upcoming Little League baseball season!

Tensions are high...will they be East or West division...will their coach be returning or new...will they have their best-friend on their team...This last question is really the only one either of the boys care about!

The answers to these and other questions of the universe will be settled tonight!

Well, actually, in Caeden's case we already know. You see this year, for the first time in four years, John will be a Manager - one of the huge bonuses that came with him getting a job close to home.

And...Caeden's best friend will indeed be on his team. His Dad is the Coach!

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