
Wednesday, January 2, 2008


We have a holiday tradition that the boys look forward to all year. It fits naturally into a boy's innate desire for chaos and destruction...

The perfect mother in me takes the time to buy just the right gingerbread house kit. I construct the walls and roof, squeeze icing over the entire structure with just perfect icicles dangling from the sides, and select colorful candy pieces with just the right Christmasy feel.

All of us used to participate in the construction of this seasonal treat; but only Caeden and I took the time this year to lovingly create our family masterpiece.

All the boys eagerly anticipate as New Years Day approaches. In keeping with family tradition, our beautiful gingerbread house was slated for DEMOLITION...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog on I have 3 boys too - although younger...8,5 and 2.
I love your "demolition day" tradition. We did exactly that a couple of years ago. The gingerbread house fell off the list this year. You can only squeeze in so much with kiddies. I'm sure it will be back next of these boys of mine will remember it and come clamoring for it. ha.

I wanted to email you directly, but couldn't find a way to do that on your site - thus this comment.

I wanted to tell you about my husband, Jeff, who just recently invented a new football card game for our children. Friends, family and local math teachers love it and with their encouragement, we decided to "go for it" and brought the game to market 2 months ago. The positive response to the game so far has been overwhelming.

We are no big corporation. It's just Jeff and I working to spread the word about our cool new game.

I'm looking for moms who are willing to try the game with their family and then blog about it and tell their friends. We think your family would be perfect and we'd love to hear from you. We are at Thank you in advance! Michelle Spelman