
Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Would Have Made a Good Looking Man...

My friend found this photo of me from our senior year high school band trip. As I was loading it Caeden came in the room and said "Hey There's Cameron!"

You be the judge...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


What more is there to say? Coupled with the beginnings of another sinus infection, Jackson is back on antibiotics.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Will This Ever End?

Jackson has a fever...

I can't really say again because he never had one before, even when he was so sick.

He wanted so badly to get back to normal. He was going away to church camp tomorrow for the very first time. Now he will be going to the doctor as soon as I can get him in...


Monday, February 2, 2009

How Quickly They Heal...

Jackson was cleared for sports a week his profound disappointment, he had missed too many weigh-ins in his wrestling league and therefore could not enter the District tournament.

He was, however, able to enter the internal medal round for his weight class.

He kicked butt (literally) and won it all!

(Sorry no photos - Mum was too preoccupied with preparing for the SuperBowl party to remember her camera...)